Italia Slow Tour
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Italian Food: The salami of Varzi

At Ezio & Alberto’s artisanal company

We visit the small artisanal company that belongs to the brothers Ezio and Alberto who produce the salami of Varzi.

Varzi is really famous for its salami, which is a P.D.O. (Protected Denomination of Origin). The secret of their salami is that it is made only with the best part of the pig and some of the lavoration is still handmade. They make it in particular spaces situated underground, with the right level of humidity and no air-conditioning. Then they make bacon from what is left from the pig. Both salami and bacon are extraordinary!

Get a taste accompanied with a glass of local wine, from Oltrepò Pavese.


Cover pic courtesy of Flickr User clik-rik

Visit Oltrepò Pavese G.A.L. official website

Italia Slow Tour

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