Web Serie
Web serie: Palladian Villas Tour in Veneto
Historical & architectural treasures in the North Eastern Italy
Italia Slow Tour ‘art cities area’ is a section including travel tips and experiences about art and cultural tourism in Italy. Unconventional itineraries in Rome, Florence, Venice, Milan, Naples, Turin. Discover the smaller but fascinating Verona, Padua, Mantua, Bologna, Ferrara, Ravenna, Perugia, Palermo and much more.
Web Serie
Historical & architectural treasures in the North Eastern Italy
Travel diaries
Burano, Murano and much more: unconventional tour around Venice
Sightseeing tour of the Italian Capital of Culture 2017
Travel diaries
#MarcheExpress tour. Discover the capital city of Le Marche region
Enjoy a spectacular vertical dance on the surface of the tower
Article News
A multifunctional place devoted to all the travellers in town