Exploring the Medici Villas, UNESCO Heritage Sites, by camper
The Medici Villa of Poggio a Caiano
Discover Tuscany Heritage: Visiting the Medici Villas, UNESCO Heritage Sites
Together with Syusy Blady, let’s take a tour of the Medici Villa of Poggio a Caiano, a Renaissance marvel rich in history and art, located just a short distance from Prato.
The villa is also accessible by bicycle or on foot, following a section of the Via Medicea, a tourist route that connects the Medici villas through scenic paths winding through the Tuscan landscape.
Here, Syusy guides us in discovering the story of Francesco I de’ Medici and Bianca Cappello, key figures in a mysterious intrigue tied to the villa.
We also explore the artistic heritage of the site, from the frescoes in the Hall of Leo X to the famous frieze commissioned by Lorenzo de’ Medici, symbolizing the soul’s passage from one life to the next.
We also take the opportunity to enjoy some lessons in Renaissance dance with two true experts, Gloria Giordano and Lucio Paolo Testi, accompanied by lute master Marco Pesci.