Italia Slow Tour
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Bologna Slow Tour, day 1: Lamborghini Museum

Everybody knows Lamborghini, what about the Museum?

Everybody knows Lamborghini but no one knows about the existence of its museum near Bologna. Indeed, arriving there is pretty easy… don’t worry, we got you!

Founded in 1963, Lamborghini auto s.p.a. is headquartered in Sant’Agata Bolognese, in Northern Italy and it currently produces 2 super sports car models: the Aventador and the Huracan, along with the Urus SUV (every model is changed after around 10 years of production).

The group in front of Lamborghini Museum
The group in front of Lamborghini Museum

From the center of Bologna you can get the bus 576 at the bus station to reach Sant’Agata Bolognese. The journey takes one hour, so to kill time we can give you some ideas: we played Bingo and Taboo. Once there it will take you 5 minutes to get to the museum on foot. Already from outside the structure spreads impressive energy and luxury vibes. When we entered, we’ve been welcome by a very kind staff including Biagio De Pascali, the head of CAS digital models, who introduced us to a video presentation about their company. We entered into a room full of screens and it felt like we were in another dimension… it seemed to be on top of a Lamborghini. 

Afterwards, we began the actual guided tour inside the museum. On the ground floor there were the most legendary Lamborghini models, some sports cars, the first family car and even a SUV. Certainly, the most eye-catching car is the Lamborghini Miura, and this is why the famous Elettra Lamborghini has as a middle name “Miura”. On the contrary, on the first floor, there were the most modern cars, the more common models, which we also sometimes see on the streets, but also the most limited models. Indeed, the guide explained that there are limited collections, so a limited number of models that are produced, but also the “one of a kind”, which are the most expensive! 

All the Lamborghini cars are fantastic, but we have to admit that we were particularly fascinated by some models. For example, the Lamborghini Asterion, which has a wonderful color, indeed it’s  blue; the Lamborghini Veneno which is very elegant, but at the same time it is the prototype racing car. We could mention many other cars, but as you might imagine, we fell in love with all the models. 

Once our visit finished, we had the special occasion to meet the head of Centro Stile Mitja Borkert. Even though he’s very busy, he finds the time to deal with youngsters as well, bringing them deeply into his dimension. Therefore, if you want to explore entirely the Lamborghini world it’s good to know you have the possibility to get to know who’s behind this empire. After our tour, we went to a typical restaurant called “Taiadela” which offers local dishes such as tagliatelle and gramigna. This place is near the museum, offering the costumers the comfort of eating well not having to stray too far from the area. This is a good solution, especially in summer, not to walk for a long time under the sun.

Tagliatelle at Taiadela
Tagliatelle at Taiadela

As every other car brand, also Lamborghini is looking to have less impact on the environment producing hybrid/electric cars (like Sian), sustainability is one of their key values, speaking of which, another one is quality. It is researched in every finest detail: during the tour we could see how every single part is elaborated and the quality of the materials used. Since the start of the company Lamborghini always used innovating and new materials (like aluminum in 60s and carbon now), the company is also collaborating with MIT and has used some of the same materials as NASA does.

During the tour we also understood how the clients play a big role in the creation process: the guide explained us that in limited edition cars they can see them before the production to give feedback on how to change it and even “normal cars” can be personalized.

Group picture with Biagio de Pascali and Mitja Borkert
Group picture with Biagio de Pascali and Mitja Borkert

When we came back to Bologna, we’ve been hosted by Silvia Salomoni, the social media manager of Italia Slow Tour, an association which presents Italy out of the common path, collecting travel experiences, reviews, tips, special deals and videos. We met her in their office, situated in Piazza Santo Stefano. She introduced us to what we’re going to do: they gave us the possibility to publish an article about the summer camp we’re participating in. For us, it will be a great opportunity to improve our English skills and become world citizens.

by Asia Iacoviello, Dario Corsini & Matilde Ferrari

City explorer is an alternative summer camp organized by Roxana Iacoban/English with Roxy Celta teacher based in Bologna focused on the exploration of the city in English (for young learners and teens)

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