A tiny village perched on a small mount
The megalithic area of Saint Martin de Corléans
The largest covered megalithic area in Europe is in Aosta Valley!
Come with us for a discovery travel-in-time to Aosta Valley, visiting the megalithic area and museum of Saint Martin de Corléans.
Entrance Covered megalithic area Syusy Blady Italia Slow Tour reporter
That is the largest covered megalithic area in Europe, about 1 hectare large, evidence of a continued historical evolution, from 4900 BC: a place holding some valuable information from the Neolithic to the Iron Age, where are some traces of a very archaic form of ploughing, that would even tell the origin of agriculture.
But those ploughings could be some ritual one instead, telling more about another mythical story! That could tell for example a moment of the Argonauts epics! After all, when lacking written sources, the myth stands as a narration containing some history facts inside…
Ploughing traces Pole pits Covered megalithic area
In this video, let’s visit the archaeological site together with Gianfranco Zidda, scientific supervisor of the museum. There are these famous ploughing traces, the area where 46 stone steles used to be placed and the pits that used to support some tall totemic poles.
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Vallée d'Aoste : L'aire mégalithique de Saint Martin de Corléans - Blog Voyage
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