Italia Slow Tour
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Canevino, wines and corkscrews

Wine is a thing around here

Walking through the village of Canevino you meet a statue of St. Colombano, a well-known man around here. In 600 A.D. he came here from Ireland and he established the Monastery of Bobbio (near Piacenza).

In 900 A.D. his body was exhumed to be buried again in the city of Pavia, while they were passing through Canevino, a deaf-mute person healed… adn people there drank a lot of wine to celebrate this miracle! No wonder because here the main cultivation is wine: Moscato, Pinot, Bonarda, Buttafuoco and many others.

Wine is a thing here, there is also a Museum of Corkscrews of Montecalvo with a peculiar collection of over 200 different types of corkscrews: made of wood, metals, bone, shaped in so many curious ways…


Visit Canevino official website

Visit Oltrepò Pavese G.A.L. official website

Italia Slow Tour

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